Wednesday 2 March 2011

John Galliano apologises in statement

It’s a sore subject, but one which needs to be addressed nonetheless. John Galliano finally released a statement surrounding the Dior-sacking-furore, in a bid to get his side of the story across.

In the statement, he says that he “unreservedly” apologised for his actions, and is now seeking further help by admitting himself into rehab.

The statement also reads: “I only have myself to blame and I know that I must face up to my own failures and that I must work hard to gain people’s understanding and compassion. To start this process I am seeking help and all I can hope for in time is to address the personal failure which led to these circumstances and try and earn people’s forgiveness.

Anti-Semitism and racism have no part in our society. I unreservedly apologise for my behaviour in causing any offence.”

Oscar winner Natalie Portman has publically voiced her anger over his racial remarks, so it’s anyone’s guess as to whether or not she will continue to front Dior products. Watch this space.

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